Mercedes-Benz Technical Companion
8 3/8 in. x 11 in. |
Mercedes-Benz Technical Companion
Technical insights on service, repair, maintenance and procedures compiled from over 45 years of The Star, the magazine of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America
"Everything from how to wax your car to how to bleed the brakes ..."
Road & Track
Since 1956, informed Mercedes-Benz owners have relied upon The Star, the magazine of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, for advice about maintenance, service and repair of their cars. Bentley Publishers has collected some of the best of these do-it-yourself articles and tech tips into the Mercedes-Benz Technical Companion. No matter which Mercedes-Benz model you drive or desire, this compilation will serve as a valuable technical reference to help you understand and care for your Mercedes-Benz. This insightful and informed technical compilation has something for the Mercedes-Benz owner, service professional and enthusiast. You will also find useful technical guidance that pertains to Mercedes-Benz vehicles in general, based on the contributors' long-time dedication to Mercedes-Benz service and ownership. Article topics collected in the Mercedes-Benz Technical Companion include:
Additional technical content
Refer to the link below for additional technical content for this book
Click here for a list of contributors to Mercedes-Benz Technical Companion

ISBN: 0-8376-1033-8 (ISBN-10)
ISBN: 978-0-8376-1033-7 (ISBN-13)
Permalink: http://www.bentleypublishers.com/c/GMCC