The Restoration of Antique and Classic Cars
Price: $49.95

Motor Sport Magazine - November 1957
Here is a practical book of interest to those embarking on the task of restoring a vintage or pre-war thoroughbred car, yet produced in a quality in keeping with Batsford's other motoring books. The authors, who include photographic reproductions of the 1931 Rolls-Royce Barker-bodied Phantom II and vintage 4 1/2 litre Bentley on which they gained their experience of restorative work, deal with their subject in great detail. Indeed, they give advice on finding a suitable subject for restoration and then take the reader stage by stage through the processes of dismantling, cleaning, inspecting and rebuilding the chassis, axles, steering gear, shock-absorbers, gearbox, transmission, radiator, fuel system, controls, electrical equipment, and body, with asides on all manner of detail work. Finally, there are chapters on painting, coach trimming, special processes and workshop equipment. This useful book concludes with a list of suppliers of equipment and appropriate clubs and registers. It is copiously illustrated and has a nice dust jacket featuring 22/90 Alfa-Romeo and Rolls-Royce cars.
Review from and courtesy of Motor Sport Magazine - November 1957