Toyota Prius
Repair and Maintenance Manual: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Price: $69.95

Road & Track - August 2008
Review of Toyota Prius Repair and Maintenance Manual: 2004-2008 from Road & Track - August 2008
Hybrid Synergy Drive, Self Taught
Bentley Publishers has just issued Toyota Prius Repair and Maintenance Manual: 2004-2008. It"s thick by any manual standards, 648 pages, with 830 photos, illustrations and diagrams, including 142 of them decribing electrical wiring.
Now I rather doubt that many of us are going to attempt shade-tree Hybrid Synergy Drive mechanics. On the other hand, there"s a wealth of hybrid technology explained, lots of practical information on the entire car for second-generation Prius owners and even a Toyota Emergency Responder Guide.
Review of Toyota Prius Repair and Maintenance Manual: 2004-2008 from Road & Track - August 2008