Porsche: Excellence Was Expected
Price: $629.95

christophorus - February/March 2004
All inclusive
You'd really like to learn everything about Porsche, you've come to the right place. This reprint of Porsche?Excellence Was Expected by Karl Ludvigsen has now been published.
The first impression is literally weighty: Wow, this is really heavy literature you've got in your hands. The complete three-volume work weights 8.5 kilograms (19 lbs.). But the Porsche?Excellence Was Expected reprint is heavier for the bookshelf than it is for the reader, for the author guarantees easily digestible fare. In this mammoth tome, historian and automobile enthusiast Karl Ludvigsen tells the Porsche story in an entertaining, understandable way.
The English-language reprint builds consistently on the standard reference work on Porsche first published in 1977. Since the first edition, "Ludvigsen" has become a watchword, a trademark for comprehensive information about the sports car manufacturer from Zuffenhausen. The new version of the "Porsche Bible" contains everything from the first edition and much more: Facts and shop-talk, stories and history, anecdotes and quirks, data and statistics on Porsche, the company and its cars. Now, the thick 900-page first edition has become a three-volume linen-bound, slipcase-boxed set of truly biblical dimensions?with a total of 1574 pages.
Each volume picks out a particular period of time as a central theme of Porsche history, together with detailed descriptions of all associated vehicles. The new edition features a thirty-one-page "full index" with names, models, tests, and dates. The comprehensive index guarantees easy access to any desired topic. Browse, look up, investigate?in this new "Ludvigsen," the reader dives into a fascinating Porsche world. But watch out; There's danger of addiction!
There's no lack of praise for this ultimate Porsche book. Car and Driver magazine says: "Every real car enthusiast in the world" must have Ludvigsen's volumes. And Old Car Illustrated predicts: "This work will fast become the definitive authority concerning Porsche vehicles." So one thing is clear; this new version of Porsche?Excellence Was Expected, too, is a genuine Ludvigsen.
Porsche?Excellence Was Expected by Karl Ludvigsen 2003 edition
1574 pages in three volumes; each volume in red linen with silver imprint, silver lettering and jacket; all three volumes together in gray linen slipcase with imprint; 8.5 kilograms (19 lbs.);
1478 black-and-white photos, 151 color photos and illustrations;
dimensions 28.5 x 25.5 . 13.5 cm (13 x 12 x 5.3")
christophorus - February/March 2004