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Physics for Gearheads
Price: $119.95

National Science Teachers AssociationNSTA recommends - July 7, 2015
Physics for Gearheads is an awesome resource for bringing relevance to an introductory physics class. The pictures and corresponding text truly bring the concepts to life. I would use this as a companion text for a general physics class or as a curriculum text for an elective or choice class.
Do you like to drive your car as well as work on it? Does watching car races and motorcycle competitions intrigue you? Do your students like to work on cars and motorcycles? If so, all of you can learn physics by solving problems and formulating solutions as "gearheads".
Physics for Gearheads uses units of measurement in SI or British Engineering units.There are a total of seventeen chapters that deal with a Warm-Up Lap; Kinematics Basics and Applications; Forces; Dynamics Basics and Applications; Torque, Force Resolution, and 2-D Vectors; Angular Dynamics Basics and Applications; Energy Basics and Applications; Power Basics and Applications; as well as Statics and Quasi-Statics Basics and Applications.
This engaging book is written by Randy Beikmann who is a top automotive engineer with a great love for physics. He expertly teaches us, using a common sense approach, about how a car really works and what is involved in motorsports and racing. Randy has a PhD and works at GM's Milford Proving Grounds; so he knows what he's talking about in this 600 page book. He also holds three patents and teaches classes at GM within his engineering specialty.
Review from and courtesy of National Science Teachers Association / NSTA Recommends - July 7, 2015