
Upcoming Events
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Prior Events
Alex Zanardi on TV
Race driver Alex Zanardi was a guest on two television shows:
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Ludvigsen Event at Porsche Parade
Hershey, PA |
Automotive historian and Bentley Publishers author, Karl Ludvigsen, will be an honored guest at the 2005 Porsche Parade held in Hershey, PA from June 24 - July 3. Ludvigsen will be an honorary judge for the Concours d'Elegance on Sunday, June 26th, and will be a speaker at the Concours Banquet held Sunday evening. He will be conducting a Technical Session entitled "Porsche 911 History 101" on Tuesday, June 28th at the Parade as well.
Ludvigsen will be signing copies of his book while at the Parade at the following times: Saturday, June 25 from 1:30pm - 3:00pm; Monday, June 27 from 1:30 - 3:00pm; and Tuesday, June 28 from 10:30am - Noon. All book signings will be held at the Goodie Store. For more information, please see the Porsche Parade website.
Location: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Ludvigsen Event at Boston's
Larz Anderson Auto Museum Thursday June 23, 2005 7:30PM |
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Come and join automotive historian Karl Ludvigsen for his presentation "The Porsche Saga" on Thursday, June 23 at 7:30pm at the Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation in Brookline, MA.
The lecture begins at 7:30pm with the doors opening at 7:00pm. Refreshments will be provided/available. For further information about the Museum of Transportation, including directions, check out the Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation at
Location: Larz Anderson Auto Museum - Brookline, MA
Friday, December 3
Alex Zanardi on Late Show with David Letterman
Check local listings for times
Alex Zanardi is scheduled to appear on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman on Friday, December 3rd.
Monday, November 29
Book signing at the Exoticar Model Gallery
2pm to 3pm
Alex Zanardi will be autographing copies of Alex Zanardi - My Sweetest Victory at the Exoticar Model Gallery in New York City on Monday, November 29 from 2pm to 3 pm in what is his only scheduled public appearance in North America this year. The Exoticar Model Gallery is located at 280 Park Avenue & 48th St. For more information on Exoticar, visit their website at or call the store at 212-573-9537.
Wednesday September 29 through Sunday October 3
Fall Carlisle
Bentley Publishers will have a wide selection of books and manuals on sale at our booth at this, one of the world's largest automotive swap meets.
Location: Carlisle Fairgrounds - Carlisle, PA
Sunday September 26
19th Annual Transporterfest/VW Day
9:30am to 3:30pm
Join us for a fun-filled day of Volkswagens, old and new, shiny and rusty, clean and oily, straight and dented (we like 'em all:).
$8 show vehicle admission fee includes two museum admissions (kids are free) and dash plaques to the first 100 participants.
Sponsored by LiMBO, NEATO, BSVWOC and Bentley Publishers.
Location: Larz Anderson Auto Museum - Brookline, MA
Tuesday September 21
Jeep®: "The Legend" with Moses Ludel
Come and join Jeep vehicle authority and four-wheel drive expert Moses Ludel for his presentation Jeep: "The Legend" on Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00pm as part of the Tuesday Night Lecture Series at the Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation in Brookline, MA.
The lecture begins at 7:00pm with the museum lawn opening at 6:00pm, so bring your Jeep. Refreshments will be provided/available. For more information and directions, check out the event announcement (PDF, 94 KB). For further information about the Museum of Transportation, including directions, check out the Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation at
Location: Larz Anderson Auto Museum - Brookline, MA
Sunday September 19
The Great American Jeep Rally
Moses Ludel, author of Jeep Owner's Bible and the Jeep Rebuilder's Manuals will be conducting tech sessions and signing autographs at this major New England Jeep event.
Location: Spencer Fairgrounds - Spencer, MA
Saturday September 11 through Sunday September 12
German Auto Fest
Bentley Publishers will once again be at this major Porsche event in Southern California
Location: Seaside Park - Ventura, CA
Friday September 10 through Sunday September 12
Zippo U.S. Vintage Grand Prix
Bentley Publishers will have a booth at this year's vintage Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival, this year honoring the MG
Location: Watkins Glen International Speedway, Watkins Glen, NY
Friday September 3 through Sunday September 5
TDI Fest 2004
Bentley Publishers will be hosting an open house as well as giving a technical seminar during this event celebrating the Volkswagen and Audi TDI models.
Location: Sheraton Braintree - Braintree, MA
Friday August 27 through Sunday August 29
Corvettes at Carlisle
Bentley Publishers will have a booth at this major 82 acre Corvette show
Location: Carlisle Fairgrounds - Carlisle, PA
Thursday August 19 through Saturday August 21
Camp Jeep California
Moses Ludel, author of Jeep Owner's Bible and the Jeep Rebuilder's Manuals will be conduction tech sessions and signing autographs at the first time ever Camp Jeep event in California's Santa Ynez Mountains.
Location: CL Ranch - Santa Maria, CA
Friday August 13 through Sunday August 15
Monterey Historics
Bentley Publishers will once again have a booth at this famous event on the Rolex Historic Races schedule.
Location: Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca - Monterey, CA
Tuesday July 27 through Sunday August 1
Giulietta Giubilee
Bentley Publishers will join the United States Alfa Romeo Owner's Club at their 2004 National Convention as they celebrate the 50th birthday of the Alfa Romeo Giulietta.
Location: Manchester Radisson and Expo Center - Manchester, NH
Saturday July 17 through Sunday July 18
Waterfest 9
Bentley Publishers will have a booth at this major watercooled Volkswagen and Audi enthusiast's event.
Location: Raceway Park - Englishtown, NJ
Thursday July 15 through Saturday July 17
Camp Jeep
Moses Ludel, author of Jeep Owner's Bible and the Jeep Rebuilder's Manuals, will be conducting tech sessions and signing autographs at this famous Jeep event in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
Location: Oak Ridge Estate - Charlottesville, VA
Sunday June 20
16th Annual Litchfield Bug-In
Look for the Bentley Publishers booth at this Volkswagen air-cooled event.
Location: Harwinton Fairgrounds - Harwinton, CT
Saturday June 12 through Sunday June 13
VW Classic Weekend
Bentley Publishers will once again be at the VW Classic, along with other Volkswagen enthusiast events at this major Orange County area annual gathering.
Location: Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre - Irvine, CA
Sunday June 6
Dave McLellan and Jerry Burton autograph session at the Museum of Transportation Corvette Day
Dave McLellan, author of Corvette from the Inside, and Jerry Burton, author of Zora Arkus-Duntov: The Legend Behind Corvette, will be signing autographs at the MOT's lawn event for the Corvette, sponsored by Bentley Publishers and the New England Chapter NCRS.
Location: Location: Museum of Transportation - Brookline, MA
Sunday May 30
Bug Out 55
Bentley Publishers will have a booth at this spring's Bug Out 55 Volkswagen show.
Location: Old Dominion Speedway - Manassas, VA
Thursday May 13 through Sunday May 16
BMW CCA TechFest East '04
Bentley Publishers BMW senior editor Charlie Burke will be giving a technical seminar on electrical fundamentals and troubleshooting at this BMW technical conference.
Location: Hyatt Regency - Reston, VA

Sunday May 2
Adrian Streather Tech Session
Come join author and Porsche enthusiast Adrian Streather for a guided review of the Porsche 964 model history and technology.
Adrian Streather is a Porsche PCA member, Rennlist Technical contributor, and author of the Porsche 911 (964) Enthusiast's Companion. During this tech session, Adrian will lead you through the design and technology of one of Porsche's most controversial models. From a face lift of the classic 911 chassis design to all-wheel drive, the 964 has provided plenty of debate from both Porsche purists and 964 enthusiasts.
The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 2, 2004, from 10 am to 2 pm at our studio in Cambridge, MA. Refreshments will be served. Limited parking is available in our parking lot, and as it is a Sunday, parking is available on the street.
Space is limited, so we ask that those interested in attending to please register on-line, or by fax (617-876-9235), include your name, phone number or e-mail address, and if interested in bringing your 964, specific model information. Please note that all Porsche enthusiasts are welcome to attend.
Location: Bentley Publishers - Cambridge, MA [directions]
Thursday April 22 through Sunday April 25
Rennsport Reunion II
Karl Ludvigsen, author of Porsche: Excellence Was Expected and Adrian Streather, author of Porsche 911 (964) Enthusiast's Companion will be signing autographs during the second edition of this major Porsche celebration at the Bentley Publishers booth.
Schedule of signing times:
Friday April 23
Adrian Streather: 11-noon
Karl Ludvigsen: 2-3 pm
Saturday April 24
Karl Ludvigsen: 11-noon
Adrian Streather: 3-4 pm
Sunday April 25
Adrian Streather: 10-11 am
Karl Ludvigsen: 11-noon
Location: Daytona International Speedway - Daytona Beach, FL
Saturday April 17 through Sunday April 18
Bug-a-palüza VI
Bentley Publishers will have a booth at this year's Bug-a-palüza VI Volkswagen show, this year honoring the Type III.
Location: Camp Jordan - East Ridge, TN
Tuesday April 13, 7pm
Alfa Romeo - Museum of Transportation Lecture Series
Bentley Publishers editor and respected automotive journalist Jonathan Stein will be giving a lecture on the Alfa Romeo, covering many of the topics discussed in the forthcoming Alfa Romeo All-Alloy Twin Cam Companion: 1954-1994.
Location: Museum of Transportation - Brookline, MA
Saturday April 10
Porsche 356 Tech Session
Bentley Publishers will be hosting the TYP 356 Club NE as senior editor Charlie Burke gives a tech session.
Location: Bentley Publishers - Cambridge, MA
October 13, 2003
Moses Ludel / Jeep CJ - tech session
Located at Bentley Publishers
Cambridge, MACome join acclaimed Jeep author and off-road enthusiast Moses Ludel for a guided tour of Jeep CJ history and technology.
Space is limited, so we ask that those interested in attending pre-register by phone at 617-547-4170.
Monday, October 13 (Columbus Day) from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
October 13, 2003
Grand Opening - Norwood VW Gallery
Norwood VW Gallery - 1280 Providence Hwy (on Route 1)
Norwood, MAThe Bay State VW Owner's Club (BSVWOC) will be participating in the grand opening of the Norwood VW Gallery. There will be gifts, tours, refreshments and many vintage VWs!
Monday, October 13 (Columbus Day) from Noon - 7:00 PM
October 5-10, 2003
Austin, TXBentley Publishers will have a booth at O'Fest in Austin. We will be selling our new BMW repair manuals on CD-ROM, as well as all of our BMW products.
September 16, 2003
Museum of Transportation
Brookline, MAPlease join us as Karl Ludvigsen, author of Porsche: Excellence Was Expected takes part in the Tuesday Night Lecture Series at the Museum of Transportation. Books will be available through the Museum.
September 13-14, 2003
German Auto Fest
Ventura, CABentley Publishers will host the official launch of Porsche: Excellence Was Expected. Author Karl Ludvigsen will be giving an in depth presentation on the history of Porsche and the writing of the book, as well as signing copies of his newly released history of Porsche.
September 12, 2003
Auto Books/Aero Books
Burbank, CAAuto Books/Aero Books will be hosting a book signing with Karl Ludvigsen, author of Porsche: Excellence was Expected between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Books will be available through the store.
September 11, 2003
Stoddard Imported Cars
Willoughby, OHStoddard Imported cars will host a lecture and book signing with Karl Ludvigsen, author of Porsche: Excellence Was Expected between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Books will be available through Stoddard's.
August 1-3, 2003
Summer Audi Expo
Springfield, MACome to our booth at the Northeast Audi Owner's Club Event in Springfield, MA. We will have all of our Audi manuals on CD-ROM and Paper for special event prices.
July 19, 2003
Waterfest VW and Audi Show and Motorsport Event
Raceway Park
Englishtown, NJBentley Publishers drove down in the Bentley Bus and sold books at the event.
June 29, 2003 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Opry Mills Mall
433 Opry Mills Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37214Jerry Burton, author of Zora Arkus-Duntov: The Legend Behind Corvette and Dave McLellan, author of Corvette From the Inside will be signing copies of their books at the Barnes and Noble in the Opry Mills Mall.
June 27-28, 2003
Corvette 50th Anniversary
Nashville, TNCorvette Celebrities Dave McLellan and Jerry Burton will give a multimedia presentation on the rich history of the Corvette. 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM and 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM on both days.
June 27, 2003 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
Nashville, TNBentley Publishers is hosting a Banquet in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Corvette. Corvette Celebrities Dave McLellan and Jerry Burton will give a multimedia presentation on the rich history of the Corvette.
June 26, 2003
National Corvette Museum
Bowling Green, KY
Jerry Burton, author of Zora Arkus-Duntov: The Legend Behind Corvette and Dave McLellan, author of Corvette From the Inside will be signing copies of their books.
June 21-22, 2003 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Located at Bentley PublishersVW-AUDI Technical Seminar for Professional Technicians
Course: Introduction to VW and Audi Diagnostic Data Blocks