Chevrolet by the Numbers: 1970-75
Price: $64.95

Chevy High Performance ? February 2004
Chevrolet by the Numbers 1965-69 review from Chevy High Performance - February 2004
Bentley Publishers
"Author Alan Colvin calls Chevrolet by the Numbers 1965-69 and Chevrolet by the Numbers 1970-75 "The Essential Chevrolet Parts Reference." In our opinion, this series, which also includes '55-'59 and '60-'64 versions, is just that. Each volume comprehensively covers parts identification and applications with charts galore, and it's chock-full of GM archival photos, blueprints, and diagrams. If you want to know what Chevy used which part, this is the place to look.
Camaro Exposed: 1967-1969, by Paul Zazarine, takes a close look at Camaro's formative years, discussing the marque as a response to the Mustang and the changes made during its first iteration. It includes lots of cool pics of what could have been. Bentley Publishers, Dept. CHP, 1734 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02136; 800/423-4595,"
Chevy High Performance - February 2004