Chevrolet by the Numbers: 1955-59The Essential Chevrolet Parts Reference
8 3/8 in. x 11 in. |
How to identify and verify V-8 drivetrain parts for small and big blocks on Chevrolet passenger cars from 1955-1959, including:
Based extensively upon original source materials from Chevrolet Archives
Chevrolet by the Numbers is the only authoritative reference for identifying and verifying the correct Chevrolet parts, by casting number, for your exact model.
Other books rely on secondhand information or out-of-date part numbers. Author Alan Colvin documented every casting number for every Chevrolet V-8 engine and drivetrain part from 1955 through 1975, using original source material in Chevrolet's archives, including engineering blueprints, technical service bulletins, and build sheets. He interviewed the original manufacturers and engineers and brings you fascinating stories of parts development from behind the factory gates. Most of this information has never before been seen in public. Engines covered:
If you absolutely want to know the original part numbers for your Chevrolet drivetrain - not just what interchanges or fits - but the correct part that came with your car when it rolled off the assembly line - Chevrolet By The Numbers has the answer. |
![]() Fig. 3-2.
Casting number (top) and casting date (bottom) adjacent to or to the right on the rear bellhousing flange, for block #3703524. The casting date reads C75, which decodes as March 7, 1955. See block listing for more information on this block.
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Reader Response Form
Are you having trouble identifying a part on your car? Is there a part on your car that you believe is original, but its casting number is not listed in this book? Are there codes that you don't understand? Are you interested in the national trim validation service mentioned in Chapter 1? If so, print the PDF of our reader response form, fill it out, noting where your question or comment is, and mail or fax it to the author at the address listed. Help make this book the best reference it can be.

ISBN: 0-8376-0875-9 (ISBN-10)
ISBN: 978-0-8376-0875-4 (ISBN-13)