BMW 3 Series Enthusiast's Companion
Price: $69.95

Total BMW - July 2001
Big Three
There are 3-Series Books already out there but this beats them all to a pulp. Written by BMW expert Jeremy Walton, the BMW 3-Series Enthusiast's Companion leaves no stone unturned in charting the history of the car which took BMW from the 2002 age to the 340 bhp E46 M3. If you want to know it then it's in here somewhere.
With 368 pages and over 350 illustrations it's not short on facts and figures. Despite being published in the USA, it covers both European and American variants of the 3-Series, plus the unusual South African developments like the E30 333i.
It's available in the UK through the Total BMW Bookspeed service for £22.99 plus £3.60 postage (£5.95 overseas) and we've even got Jeremy to sign a number of copies, available exclusively to Total BMW readers. See the advert on page 110 or call Bookspeed on 020 8994 7054.