BMW 6 Series Enthusiast's Companion
Price: $69.95

Sports Car Market - October 2000
The era of the modern six-cylinder BMW coupe began with the 2800CS way back in 1968. This car's engine increased to three liters and was then fitted with fuel injection. This series ended in 1974 and it wasn't until 1976 that the new six-cylinder 630 coupe would appear.
The car, like the CS series before it, grew both in displacement and specifications. This series of cars (specifically the 3.5 liter examples, the 635) are bargain-priced forays into the world of European GT cars.
But what changed over the years? Which car is fastest or rarest? What are the trouble spots to look out for? Jeremy Walton (also author of the excellent book Unbeatable BMW) has put all the necessary information between two covers. Walton begins with a short history of BMW, covering not only the road cars but racers and even aircraft development. Then the 6 Series gets its due from prototype through to production. All of the iterations are here, including the 24-valve M Series and even some coverage of the 635's development into a race car.
Though written in the UK, BMW 6 Series Enthusiast's Companion has sections covering specifications and production numbers for US models. Also included in the appendices are a listing of the collectible 6 Series models with full specs, the chassis numbers and original purchasers of cars built by BMW Motorsport and a list of options for each model year.
-Michael Duffey